Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Children know 'what'...a son knows the 'why'

John 3:12-17 (KJV)
If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? [13] And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. [14] And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: [15] That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. [16] For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. [17] For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

"John 3:16" what a great verse.  The supporting verses to it...even the entire chapter is a real good snap shot of what's going on here.
One must first put ones self into the scenario. 
1. The messiah is walking the face of the earth.  As a man, a king, a servant and as God.  Clearly at times Jesus acts out those characters individually and wholly.  
2. Jesus is talking to his disciples in the context.  God intends us to be the reader and glean the information in order to edify us.  But there are 2 types of language in scripture---Doctrinal application for you to know and Doctrinal application, to you, in order for you to act upon the way God intended. 
Let me give you an analogy:  if I read about changing the oil in a car it is general knowledge and I get the point.  I understand how, why, what I need to do and all the steps I need to get to the end-state.  But until I read the actual manual with regards to the exact model and make of my specific car then I will never know how to exactly change 'my oil'.  You see, doctrinal application to you....God intends for you to achieve what God has intended for you to be.
3. so, why does the author here in John tell the reader the "what" of God sending His Son?  The answer is simple yet can be complicated if one does not slow down and read the words.  Ok, God intends for this people to know He sent His Son.  Yes, he did.  The question is never asked "why".  They don't need to ask it.  They know why. OT scripture tells 'them' why.  God was about to establish the Kingdom here on earth.  They knew it and were ready for it.  That is why they were instructed to give away all their belongings and money.  There was no need for belongings.  Clearly children, as the nation of israel is referred to numerous times...'children'.  Do you always tell your child 'why'?  No, sometimes we just need them to be doers.  God is dealing with His people the way He always deals with them.  In a manner of governing, ruling, creator/creature relationship.  So, matter of factly stating it...yes, God did send His Son, to the world, whoever believes will be saved.  Got it!

Galatians 4:1-7 (KJV)
Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; [2] But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father. [3] Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: [4] But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, [5] To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. [6] And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. [7] Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

So, now after reading the Galicians vs I have highlighted here, do you see a change in the language?  Yes, God is now talking to a group called the 'body of Christ'.  This body has a different doctrinal message.  ie....the 'to' and 'for' parts are different.  God is actually explaining the 'why' part to us.  That is the part that is awesome.  In my earthly life, when I talk to my adult son, I talk to him as someone who is my partner, my co-worker, my companion who I labor with.  God talks to us as Sons.  He wants the work done on the cross to be the vehicle that launches the body of Christ into a sonship relationship with Him a simple statment that clearly solidifies this is gal 1:16...Because, after all, the kingdom here on earth is not for the body of is for the nation of Israel.  My promised heavenly body will have no reason to be on this earth.  

Ok, let's slow down here a minute.  I have a lot to learn in order to become the son God wants me to be. Yes, now you get it.  That's the edification process.  The laws are removed so we might receive this adoption into sonship, rom 3:9-22.  One can't serve two masters.   One has to learn how to work with the Father.  I want to know the 'why'.  I want to tell my Father what I learned and how I am helping Him build His kingdom.  That is the sweet savor to God's.  

The Jews: they knew, in times past, they were sinners because of the Law...They know now that they are sinners (one should not dwell on it) but because of the Grace of God they are saved from His wrath.
The Gentiles: knew not they were sinners because they were lost, without God, and without, they know they were sinners but are now spared God's wrath because of Grace and with Faith believe it.

The short of it:  scripture is either to you or for you and don't settle for the what find out the why.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Rightly Dividing God Word

Really good link to learn God's word. Very simple, no fluff, no invented meanings. IF you don't believe me (which you shouldn't cause man is corrupt) then follow along in the word and decide for yourself.

The Character of God

Who is God? What's He like? Great questions, that all of us should ask at one time or another. So, how do we find this out. Because after all, I look to God as a Father of which I am His son. Yes, He is the creator but I do not look at Him as a creator and me being the creature that was created rather I look/view/commune with God as my Father. This relationship, naturally, creates a desire for me to know my Father and to know my Father I have to possess an internal drive which feeds that desire. In presenting to us a complete work or cannon called The Holy Bible, God has said "here is what you need to know." OK...

So, I set out to feed this desire. READ! Commune! Learn! To become "saved" you did nothing. Infact, you had to quit being you in order for God to spare you from His wrath. There is nothing you personally or physically do to be come spared. How arrogant it is to think you actually did something or you did this on your own terms. Here it is: Knowledge+Experience=A Life Style Change.

Knowledge: Who is God? Read! The intent of the old testament is for us to gain an appreciation of the character of God. What has he done? Why did he do it? Who did he do it to and why? Who am I or better yet who was I? As a member of the Body of Christ you are not categorized as a recipient of the doctrinal messages in the old testament. If you read these books and truly read for knowledge vs as part of a yearly reading plan (which has no edification, infact its an ego-trip to read the Word only to be awarded in front of the congregation at the end of the year for reading the whole bible). After digesting the old testament you should come to the, thank God I am not part of that mess! In fact, I don't want to have a relationship with God based on rules, walking a fine line, or in fear. I want a relationship with my Father based Him viewing me as an adopted son. Yes, son, like Jesus is Gods natural Son...I am His adopted son. I have the same status as heir like Jesus has and I am supposed to act Christ's stead as ambassadors.

Honestly, I know God's character. I know who Ge is. I know what He is. I know why He is. How do I know this? Because I read it. I put my trust in His words rather than a corrupt man. I hear today John 3:16 everywhere I go. Great verse but how shallow. Yes, God did send his Son and He does love the world but the question the body of Christ should ask is 'why did He send His Son?' Thats is the knowledge part. The part were you actually learn and understand. So, why did God send His Son to the world? Read Gal 4:1-7. Paul say who you were, what God did and why to change that and who you are now. Why in Galatians? Because the Galatians needed correction for wrong doctrine. They reverted back to the Law and Paul tells them why God sent His Son. They were wrong and he corrected them. By the way, Paul also called them fools for this.

If you read Paul's epistles in doctrinal order (the way God intended) vs chronological order one can not understand the next books with out grasping the each book in order....Doctrine. Yes, a scary word.... doctrine. You have to actually want to learn and 20 min on sunday morning is a joke especially when the pulpit is a corrupt place.

Romans builds a foundation-- Correct Doctrine, Corinthians delivers reproof-- to the carnally minded, Galatians delivers correction (the truth sometimes hurts)-- to the people that desire to live under the law (one can't serve 2 masters).

After that, a solid foundation is formed. The edification process is well underway and know you dive head first into the advanced doctrinal sonship process of Epi-Col. Then finally we finish with the pastoral epistles. This is were we establish roots and go to build another house or atleast lay foundations for the Glory of God's kingdom in heaven with God...His abode.

That's that. The reader continues on with Hebrews in order to prove the before 13 books and the doctrinal application is intended for the believing remnant, not the body of Christ.

You see, this is the character of God. This is what He is doing, where he is laboring, how He has arranged His Kingdom, how He defeated the devil. These are the answers to the why and they explain why Paul say "but now".

Keep mining data.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Make It Stop!!

Last night yet again, I have been confronted with the same domestic issue that hail from that social network called Spring Branch Baptist Church. It should be called "As the SBBC world Turns". It's like a giant soap opera. My discussion is not about the event rather why me....

Why am I constantly wrapped up into this. I hear of adults attacking the youth verbally of e-mails and texts, I hear of a pastor printing these said e-mails off and circulating them throughout the congregation, and I hear of a pastor's wife causing so much dissension amongst the staff that private votes and meeting are held. I will be honest here, surprise, This disgusts me beyond believe. I can only imagine what Jesus Christ would do if he were here, walking the earth, when He walked into that church. I would imagine He would toss more than just a table.

I learned of a deacon that is filled with so much rage that police have been called to his house to settle these domestic disputes. First off how can a deacon be considered qualified and have those personality traits. That place is a mess.

It all started when SBBC hired a spiritually ignorant pastor while a spiritually ignorant deacon chairman reigned. The rest goes down in history as a spiritual disaster. The good part is, it can be followed along right in scripture. The events and issues are all right there just read Rom-Phil and you'll see the same issues, ideas, problems, confrontations, solutions....

I put up a new chart. Real good chart, from Mark Newbold @ triangle bible church in Raleigh.

Let me ask a few rhetorical question. Are you learning the Word of Truth? or Are you be told what you need to know? Are you being fed emotionally every sun during traditional service? or Are you being fed spiritually on a regular basis be the Word of Truth?

Think about it, 17 min on sunday morning, listening to a sermon that was taken from someone else's commentary is not "being fed". Your relationship with God is your responsibility. It is you that will be Judged at the Beema Seat for how you handled the Word of Truth.

Till next time

Friday, July 2, 2010

I haven't gone mad...

Acts 25 and 26.
Its been a few weeks since I have posted . I hope my loyal fans have not waned. Anyway, the wife and I did a study on this section of acts as we follow the apostle Paul through his journey and finally to Rome. I find it interesting that the amount of parallels between Paul’s time and ours today. I’ll get right to the point. The Body of Christ is dealing with a plan of evil that was launched soon after the church found rest from the devil. What does it mean to have rest? Well, glad you asked. Scripture is talking about rest from the devil. The devils plan of attack at that time was land warfare with geographical goals in mind. The Nation of Israel and the land that it was to occupy was the target. Now, on the road to Damascus Paul is saved and converted and given a mystery. That mystery was never before known to the world, devil or Jesus Christ (Jesus Christ found out after The Ressurection). Once Jesus Christ reveals that mystery to Paul, the devil stops his plan and heads to Damascus to see what Paul will do next. The devils plan of evil is completely changed. Now, the devil’s attacks and plan of evil is to do:
1. Attack the message
2. Attack the messenger
3. Stop/Discredit the messenger (shut him up)
There is no geographical warfare or personal attacks of occupation. The devil is strictly focused on perversion of doctrine. He is desperately (no that victory is ours) trying his hand at an insurgents (guerrilla warfare) campaign against Truth. Get people indoctrinated into a false believe. (1 Tim 1). We see parallels to this all over in today’s world. SBBC is a prime example. That pastor is not a teacher. He spends 15-30 min a week speaking in a one sided dialogue and he is all over the map in scripture with contradictions which proves no one is listening cause no one questions him. Maybe they fear him. Look what happened when I questioned him. Regardless, he’s not a teacher of Truth. He has ascribed to this false belief system that Paul talks about. (Desiring to be a teacher of the Law).

So, is what I am saying here a lie? If I have erred then where are my errs? Not one single pillar or deacon of that church has offered me anything help with this. (cat got your tongue or is it ignorance?) What I have been saying in this blog has received much attention. I have been asked by several people to stop the blog, I would not dare, because it is hurting people. Well, the truth hurts doesn’t it. May be SBBC should have thought about that before they circulated a hateful letter about my family and me. Maybe they should have thought about that before they said what they said throughout the community. Maybe they should have thought about that before they let some rouge, ignorant deacon fly off the handle and started kicking people out. I am not going to stop. I find it funny that people can say stop the blog but no one has said it’s not true. It’s like Gen McCrystal being fired in Afghanistan. No one said what he said was a lie. The Truth hurts! I can assure you, I have not gone mad.

So, here’s Paul, persecuted for what he is saying. Where does he receive the authority to say what he says?? He is not scared he is doing exactly what he is supposed be doing. When he tells Agrippa the whole story of how he comes to know what he knows. He says it in such a way that Agrippa is inclined to believe him (26:28). So he sends Paul on his way to Rome, still a prisoner. But, backing up a little, Paul says something very interesting in 26:25, “I’ am not mad” kjv. Man that is exactly how I feel sometimes. These ignorant people around me who have no intention of reading the Word, they are the Naysayers. The pastor at SBBC knows exactly what I am saying but the doctrine in scripture that Paul speaks of does not fill the seats. It’s not emotional so, it is best ignored and the emotional vain babblings are what remains as the message to the Body of Christ and it yields no fruit.

So, I’m not mad…I am persuaded that none of these things (the mystery) is not hidden from you. Next time you sit in the SBBC pew really focus on that pastor’s words, right it down, go home and digest it. Ask yourself, how do I apply that message to my life doctrinally? What is my action plan? 9 times out of 10 that message will be so far from truth it is very confusing (a blind squirrel gets a nut once in awhile).

I am not a Jew therefore I can not apply the doctrinal aspects of Jewish law to my life and expect to be aligned with the Kingdom of God. We are the Body of Christ so, start acting like it. Read rom 7 and 8…you are more than a conqueror, now act like and stop searching for these emotional, empty sermons that do nothing for the edification of God’s Kingdom. Start setting your mind to fully understanding (Prov 1)(the man of understanding shall attain unto wise councils) the Truth that is tucked away in the very breath of His Word.
See you in a few weeks

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Great Questions

I am not a member at the church that you are speaking of in your blog, but I stumbled across it and I have become very interested in your "different" views of the Bible. I have attended multiple churches in my lifetime and the pastor in your blog reminds me of one I used to know. So, if you don't mind I would like to ask you a few questions.

- Do you believe that as Christians we must follow the 10 commandments?

- Do you believe that we have to ask for forgiveness everyday?

- What exactly do you mean when you say that we will have a vocation in heaven?

- What is God's standard for the body of Christ?

I look forward to reading what you have to say.
Thank you,

Thanks for the comment. I am sorry for the delay, Your questions are great. Answers to follow:

1. I believe that God's Grace is sufficient. Now, that being said. In my quest to understand how magnificent God's Grace is, I have learned why God gave the Laws to Moses who intern gave them to the Nation of israel (Lev 27:34 as start point). Once you come to the realization of why God gave the law to the Nation you come to the conclusion that "I don't want the Law. If I use the law as my method of righteousness the Christ died in vain (Gal 2:21). So, the rhetorical question is this: What is the value of the Law (statues/ordinances/10 commandments)...what am I trying to achieve by keeping these impossible laws. The author of Ecclesiastes desperately does not want to follow them and clearly desires a relationship with the Father based on the gift of His grace but comes to the conclusion that he has to follow the law because there is no righteousness without them (No death, burial, and resurrection). We have a different offer on the table. Look at the 10 commandments: Why don't we keep the Sabbath? Who changed that rule and where did they get the authority to do so. So, think through your conversation with God: "But God I keep 9 out of 10 of your commandments". Doesn't make sense. Then Paul comes along and states let no man judge you in meet or sabbath (col.2:16 ). Read all of Rom 7. Paul is very clear on the value of the law and the fact that the law is sin. So, don't tell me that the law makes me righteous or that a set of rules that I can work really hard at will put me in favor with God. Not true. I am part of the Body of Christ and the Gift God has given me is free with no stipulations or strings attached. It's simple labour with Him!
2. Jesus Christ died on the cross, engaged in a battle with the adversary (satan), was buried and rose on the third day to be the first born never to die again. If I ask my Father for forgiveness then I would imagine His response would be "I already did". God is not tricky with His adopted sons. He is very basic and means what He says and does. If you want to understand the character of your Father then read about who He is. Read Prov 1:1-5, it is a direct overlay of what Paul is saying in his 13 epistles. God desires a Father-son relationship vs a Creator-creature relationship. He desires for His sons to rejoice in the victories of His Kingdom. Remember rom 8 says you are "more" than a conquer. I do not fear my Father rather I fear what He has and says He will do. My plan to escape his wrath is not asking for forgiveness or following laws, it is believing in His grace and the fact that it is sufficient for me on this earth. With that grace I am more than a conquer and I will build His Kingdom even though I am being persecuted....(rom 8:35).
3. I don't plan to sit on a harp and strum while I am in the Kingdom of God rather I plan to work (a vocation). I will be part of a Body that occupies the heavenlies (the creature). We will liberate the creature in the heavenlies, that's work. The creature right now is in complete disarray and waiting on us to liberate it. What I am working towards, here on earth, is training and a selection process for the events that are to come with regards to my planned vocation.
4.Our standard is simple: Believe in the Death,Burial, and Resurrection, realize you will not and can not escape the wrath of God with anything your flesh can do ie...keep a law, vaccuum a floor, feed the must possess a repented (changed) heart or mind. God lists who is counted as unrighteousness in rom 1. So, if you know what God's judgement is (His Wrath) and you still try to keep the law and live in your sins (fleshly existence) then you will be counted as unrighteous. I am thankful for His grace and the fact that grace is what I rely on not my corruptible, fleshly ways, that I know my body and mind is capable of. I have quit trying so hard to walk the line and just gave myself to Him to be used by Him in the manner (as a farmer tends to his field) He wants to purse.

I could go on for days. Thanks for you questions. I hope this sparks some curiosity for you and a desire to become closer to your Father through (prov 1) knowledge rather than listening to a corrupt pastor or an ignorant deacon or a blinded church going body of so-called believers.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Why was it not questioned?

When we were asked to remove ourselves from all positions at Spring Branch after being a part (a very active part) of the church for 5 years by a preacher that had been there for one year, no one in the church had the guts to question it. It was just allowed to happen. Over and over I have been told by the people that I loved and held so dear that they did not agree with what happened or the way it happened, or even know what happened, but not one of my "friends" forced the church to do anything. They just sat there, like they do every Sunday, (not the Sabbath by the way.) Where in the Bible did Jesus say to change that one? That church belongs to the people, not the deacons or the preacher. They should be serving the church, not governing the church. Without the people it is not a church. All Christians do not believe the exact same way, but we are all Christians and Jesus Christ is our savior and the work He did on the Cross secured my place in Heaven, and I am anxiously waiting to be raptured because I know what plans God has for me. But when a preacher is allowed to tell the congregation that my family is less than Christian, and prints a web-site off of the computer and hands it out to the deacons and convince them that is what the Clares believe, then he brought my children into it and they are being persecuted for it, (which they say they will gladly do for Christ's sake) He is a lier and a manipulator. That printout was just shy of calling us satanic. Anyone who falls in behind him or follows him blindly without knowing TRUTH will have to answer to God. And to find Truth, you have to open your Bible and read Truth. God knows our hearts. And anyone who wants to question our beliefs can come by any time...Our door is open. But we will not stand quietly by and be looked upon as though we have done something wrong and need to be forgiven.

For Christ and Christ alone,