
This Chart depicts how God, through David, raises a child.  David is writing to Solomon in the very beginning of Prov. to show him the broad overview of "why" he will be teaching his son.  The end state in for David to have a son who is a wise man and he can attain to his fathers council. This is exactly what God is doing with us through His word.  Through Knowledge He will raise His child in this very way.  This is how he raised his natural Son.

This chart is a depiction of how God has proven us to be glorified.  He asks 5 crucial,heart piercing questions in these verses.  We answer these question effectively because of our understanding of previous scripture.  We come to this point and WE GET IT!

This next chart is very interesting and should be carried in every bible of the person that wants to learn and strives for a deeper understand of God's word.  As Paul said in Eph.  Finally, My brother, Stay strong in the Lord....