Friday, July 2, 2010

I haven't gone mad...

Acts 25 and 26.
Its been a few weeks since I have posted . I hope my loyal fans have not waned. Anyway, the wife and I did a study on this section of acts as we follow the apostle Paul through his journey and finally to Rome. I find it interesting that the amount of parallels between Paul’s time and ours today. I’ll get right to the point. The Body of Christ is dealing with a plan of evil that was launched soon after the church found rest from the devil. What does it mean to have rest? Well, glad you asked. Scripture is talking about rest from the devil. The devils plan of attack at that time was land warfare with geographical goals in mind. The Nation of Israel and the land that it was to occupy was the target. Now, on the road to Damascus Paul is saved and converted and given a mystery. That mystery was never before known to the world, devil or Jesus Christ (Jesus Christ found out after The Ressurection). Once Jesus Christ reveals that mystery to Paul, the devil stops his plan and heads to Damascus to see what Paul will do next. The devils plan of evil is completely changed. Now, the devil’s attacks and plan of evil is to do:
1. Attack the message
2. Attack the messenger
3. Stop/Discredit the messenger (shut him up)
There is no geographical warfare or personal attacks of occupation. The devil is strictly focused on perversion of doctrine. He is desperately (no that victory is ours) trying his hand at an insurgents (guerrilla warfare) campaign against Truth. Get people indoctrinated into a false believe. (1 Tim 1). We see parallels to this all over in today’s world. SBBC is a prime example. That pastor is not a teacher. He spends 15-30 min a week speaking in a one sided dialogue and he is all over the map in scripture with contradictions which proves no one is listening cause no one questions him. Maybe they fear him. Look what happened when I questioned him. Regardless, he’s not a teacher of Truth. He has ascribed to this false belief system that Paul talks about. (Desiring to be a teacher of the Law).

So, is what I am saying here a lie? If I have erred then where are my errs? Not one single pillar or deacon of that church has offered me anything help with this. (cat got your tongue or is it ignorance?) What I have been saying in this blog has received much attention. I have been asked by several people to stop the blog, I would not dare, because it is hurting people. Well, the truth hurts doesn’t it. May be SBBC should have thought about that before they circulated a hateful letter about my family and me. Maybe they should have thought about that before they said what they said throughout the community. Maybe they should have thought about that before they let some rouge, ignorant deacon fly off the handle and started kicking people out. I am not going to stop. I find it funny that people can say stop the blog but no one has said it’s not true. It’s like Gen McCrystal being fired in Afghanistan. No one said what he said was a lie. The Truth hurts! I can assure you, I have not gone mad.

So, here’s Paul, persecuted for what he is saying. Where does he receive the authority to say what he says?? He is not scared he is doing exactly what he is supposed be doing. When he tells Agrippa the whole story of how he comes to know what he knows. He says it in such a way that Agrippa is inclined to believe him (26:28). So he sends Paul on his way to Rome, still a prisoner. But, backing up a little, Paul says something very interesting in 26:25, “I’ am not mad” kjv. Man that is exactly how I feel sometimes. These ignorant people around me who have no intention of reading the Word, they are the Naysayers. The pastor at SBBC knows exactly what I am saying but the doctrine in scripture that Paul speaks of does not fill the seats. It’s not emotional so, it is best ignored and the emotional vain babblings are what remains as the message to the Body of Christ and it yields no fruit.

So, I’m not mad…I am persuaded that none of these things (the mystery) is not hidden from you. Next time you sit in the SBBC pew really focus on that pastor’s words, right it down, go home and digest it. Ask yourself, how do I apply that message to my life doctrinally? What is my action plan? 9 times out of 10 that message will be so far from truth it is very confusing (a blind squirrel gets a nut once in awhile).

I am not a Jew therefore I can not apply the doctrinal aspects of Jewish law to my life and expect to be aligned with the Kingdom of God. We are the Body of Christ so, start acting like it. Read rom 7 and 8…you are more than a conqueror, now act like and stop searching for these emotional, empty sermons that do nothing for the edification of God’s Kingdom. Start setting your mind to fully understanding (Prov 1)(the man of understanding shall attain unto wise councils) the Truth that is tucked away in the very breath of His Word.
See you in a few weeks

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I will not block anyones comments. I welcome everyone to engage. If you must attack, just realize, I'm not the author of The Word Of Truth. I just read it and believe it. I certainly don't try to re-state or re-invent it. I try not to meddle in God's plan.