Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Great Questions

I am not a member at the church that you are speaking of in your blog, but I stumbled across it and I have become very interested in your "different" views of the Bible. I have attended multiple churches in my lifetime and the pastor in your blog reminds me of one I used to know. So, if you don't mind I would like to ask you a few questions.

- Do you believe that as Christians we must follow the 10 commandments?

- Do you believe that we have to ask for forgiveness everyday?

- What exactly do you mean when you say that we will have a vocation in heaven?

- What is God's standard for the body of Christ?

I look forward to reading what you have to say.
Thank you,

Thanks for the comment. I am sorry for the delay, Your questions are great. Answers to follow:

1. I believe that God's Grace is sufficient. Now, that being said. In my quest to understand how magnificent God's Grace is, I have learned why God gave the Laws to Moses who intern gave them to the Nation of israel (Lev 27:34 as start point). Once you come to the realization of why God gave the law to the Nation you come to the conclusion that "I don't want the Law. If I use the law as my method of righteousness the Christ died in vain (Gal 2:21). So, the rhetorical question is this: What is the value of the Law (statues/ordinances/10 commandments)...what am I trying to achieve by keeping these impossible laws. The author of Ecclesiastes desperately does not want to follow them and clearly desires a relationship with the Father based on the gift of His grace but comes to the conclusion that he has to follow the law because there is no righteousness without them (No death, burial, and resurrection). We have a different offer on the table. Look at the 10 commandments: Why don't we keep the Sabbath? Who changed that rule and where did they get the authority to do so. So, think through your conversation with God: "But God I keep 9 out of 10 of your commandments". Doesn't make sense. Then Paul comes along and states let no man judge you in meet or sabbath (col.2:16 ). Read all of Rom 7. Paul is very clear on the value of the law and the fact that the law is sin. So, don't tell me that the law makes me righteous or that a set of rules that I can work really hard at will put me in favor with God. Not true. I am part of the Body of Christ and the Gift God has given me is free with no stipulations or strings attached. It's simple labour with Him!
2. Jesus Christ died on the cross, engaged in a battle with the adversary (satan), was buried and rose on the third day to be the first born never to die again. If I ask my Father for forgiveness then I would imagine His response would be "I already did". God is not tricky with His adopted sons. He is very basic and means what He says and does. If you want to understand the character of your Father then read about who He is. Read Prov 1:1-5, it is a direct overlay of what Paul is saying in his 13 epistles. God desires a Father-son relationship vs a Creator-creature relationship. He desires for His sons to rejoice in the victories of His Kingdom. Remember rom 8 says you are "more" than a conquer. I do not fear my Father rather I fear what He has and says He will do. My plan to escape his wrath is not asking for forgiveness or following laws, it is believing in His grace and the fact that it is sufficient for me on this earth. With that grace I am more than a conquer and I will build His Kingdom even though I am being persecuted....(rom 8:35).
3. I don't plan to sit on a harp and strum while I am in the Kingdom of God rather I plan to work (a vocation). I will be part of a Body that occupies the heavenlies (the creature). We will liberate the creature in the heavenlies, that's work. The creature right now is in complete disarray and waiting on us to liberate it. What I am working towards, here on earth, is training and a selection process for the events that are to come with regards to my planned vocation.
4.Our standard is simple: Believe in the Death,Burial, and Resurrection, realize you will not and can not escape the wrath of God with anything your flesh can do ie...keep a law, vaccuum a floor, feed the homeless....you must possess a repented (changed) heart or mind. God lists who is counted as unrighteousness in rom 1. So, if you know what God's judgement is (His Wrath) and you still try to keep the law and live in your sins (fleshly existence) then you will be counted as unrighteous. I am thankful for His grace and the fact that grace is what I rely on not my corruptible, fleshly ways, that I know my body and mind is capable of. I have quit trying so hard to walk the line and just gave myself to Him to be used by Him in the manner (as a farmer tends to his field) He wants to purse.

I could go on for days. Thanks for you questions. I hope this sparks some curiosity for you and a desire to become closer to your Father through (prov 1) knowledge rather than listening to a corrupt pastor or an ignorant deacon or a blinded church going body of so-called believers.

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I will not block anyones comments. I welcome everyone to engage. If you must attack, just realize, I'm not the author of The Word Of Truth. I just read it and believe it. I certainly don't try to re-state or re-invent it. I try not to meddle in God's plan.