Friday, May 7, 2010

Why was it not questioned?

When we were asked to remove ourselves from all positions at Spring Branch after being a part (a very active part) of the church for 5 years by a preacher that had been there for one year, no one in the church had the guts to question it. It was just allowed to happen. Over and over I have been told by the people that I loved and held so dear that they did not agree with what happened or the way it happened, or even know what happened, but not one of my "friends" forced the church to do anything. They just sat there, like they do every Sunday, (not the Sabbath by the way.) Where in the Bible did Jesus say to change that one? That church belongs to the people, not the deacons or the preacher. They should be serving the church, not governing the church. Without the people it is not a church. All Christians do not believe the exact same way, but we are all Christians and Jesus Christ is our savior and the work He did on the Cross secured my place in Heaven, and I am anxiously waiting to be raptured because I know what plans God has for me. But when a preacher is allowed to tell the congregation that my family is less than Christian, and prints a web-site off of the computer and hands it out to the deacons and convince them that is what the Clares believe, then he brought my children into it and they are being persecuted for it, (which they say they will gladly do for Christ's sake) He is a lier and a manipulator. That printout was just shy of calling us satanic. Anyone who falls in behind him or follows him blindly without knowing TRUTH will have to answer to God. And to find Truth, you have to open your Bible and read Truth. God knows our hearts. And anyone who wants to question our beliefs can come by any time...Our door is open. But we will not stand quietly by and be looked upon as though we have done something wrong and need to be forgiven.

For Christ and Christ alone,

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I will not block anyones comments. I welcome everyone to engage. If you must attack, just realize, I'm not the author of The Word Of Truth. I just read it and believe it. I certainly don't try to re-state or re-invent it. I try not to meddle in God's plan.