Thursday, May 6, 2010


We Christians who have a "deep" understanding of God's word vs a careless interpretation (Allen Schuler, Randy Naylor as an example, oh there's more) must pierce the hearts of these "Pharisee-minded-people" . I can't even put Ronald Warren in that category because he has no understanding of God's word---He doesn't read it. Anyway, my wife recently had a encounter with a ignorant mind at the elementary school today. The said ignorant person (Cindy) surely had a large opinion of the events that transpired leading to my family be asked to remove itself from the congregation. When she was confronted with the facts her comment(s)--plural--where "I didn't know that" over and over. WOW, she never bothered to ask me or my family our side. That, my friends, is ignorant. I guess when "it" hits the fan "one" really gets to know who their friends are. To quote my wife "We will be fine". Being raised by my Father (LORD God) is not about how many friends you have. It really is amazing how opinionated Cindy is considering she rarely attends SBBC and knows very little about the issue and never bothered to ask or find the truth. I hope she doesn't strive to have a edifying relationship with her "Father" while standing on those principles. Just a thought.

The comment: "Oh don't bring the kids into it"--Great idea, my kids have been tormented because of this, one of which is home schooled now because of Allen Shuler. He was persecuted at school and told he was a member of a cult, his girlfriend's parents refused to let her see him because a member of that corrupt congregation, SBBC, told the parents we were kicked out because we were cult followers. A letter was circulated by Allen Shuler that includes dialogue about my family. So, don't tell me to not include the "kids". A deacon meeting was held by 19 deacons (one of which actually asked my my side of the story) during which my family was roasted, accused of cultish behavior, and my character was repeatedly bashed by the likes of Fred Williford who bought his deacon-ship and knows zero about God's word. So, don't tell me not to include the "kids". Benny Barefoot, who was my assigned deacon and is a member of the Mason org (talk about secret cult) never bothered to shadow my door concerning this issue or for any other reason--Hypocrite!

I'll be honest with you here, I don't have time for lying, hypocritical so called Christians. Those people need one thing, a spiritual finger pointed right at them followed by a tongue lashing via the Holy Spirit. Alright, thanks for asking, I'll give you an example. One wed evening I went with Randy Naylor on a visitation trip. Our first stop was at a previous deacon's house (he grew up attending SBBC). I asked Randy why said deacon and his family do not attend SBBC anymore. Randy's answer was, " I don't know, they just stopped coming". What a lie!

Stay tuned for more hypocrites exposed. I was told the attendance at SBBC has fallen. Allen doesn't want a congregation of believers who will challenge his preaching, you might be next!

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