Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Make It Stop!!

Last night yet again, I have been confronted with the same domestic issue that hail from that social network called Spring Branch Baptist Church. It should be called "As the SBBC world Turns". It's like a giant soap opera. My discussion is not about the event rather why me....

Why am I constantly wrapped up into this. I hear of adults attacking the youth verbally of e-mails and texts, I hear of a pastor printing these said e-mails off and circulating them throughout the congregation, and I hear of a pastor's wife causing so much dissension amongst the staff that private votes and meeting are held. I will be honest here, surprise, This disgusts me beyond believe. I can only imagine what Jesus Christ would do if he were here, walking the earth, when He walked into that church. I would imagine He would toss more than just a table.

I learned of a deacon that is filled with so much rage that police have been called to his house to settle these domestic disputes. First off how can a deacon be considered qualified and have those personality traits. That place is a mess.

It all started when SBBC hired a spiritually ignorant pastor while a spiritually ignorant deacon chairman reigned. The rest goes down in history as a spiritual disaster. The good part is, it can be followed along right in scripture. The events and issues are all right there just read Rom-Phil and you'll see the same issues, ideas, problems, confrontations, solutions....

I put up a new chart. Real good chart, from Mark Newbold @ triangle bible church in Raleigh.

Let me ask a few rhetorical question. Are you learning the Word of Truth? or Are you be told what you need to know? Are you being fed emotionally every sun during traditional service? or Are you being fed spiritually on a regular basis be the Word of Truth?

Think about it, 17 min on sunday morning, listening to a sermon that was taken from someone else's commentary is not "being fed". Your relationship with God is your responsibility. It is you that will be Judged at the Beema Seat for how you handled the Word of Truth.

Till next time

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I will not block anyones comments. I welcome everyone to engage. If you must attack, just realize, I'm not the author of The Word Of Truth. I just read it and believe it. I certainly don't try to re-state or re-invent it. I try not to meddle in God's plan.