Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Mystery

Just to clear somethings up: Lets start of with some definitions and a critical statement.

Statement: God is a very good author (understatement). He has written many books, ~7 ish. The only book we are privy to is the "Word of Truth" or "Book of Prophecy" you know the one. That being said--Can satan write a book? If so what would he write.."Hey guys, I'm satan listen to what I have to say" (ya, sounds childish). No thats absurd. Satan wants to be like God; ie.. the 5 I wills. Point: (KJV is it and it aint arguable, the evidence is compelling) Satan is currently, profanely, trying to (NIV for instance) corrupt the word of God. So, if you think about it, satan can't actually change the word of truth rather he can get us to just read his twist, ie....corrupt. The apostle paul talks quite a bit about it, esp when he warns Timothy.

Alright, Here we Go!

MYS'TERY, n. L. mysterium; Gr. a secret. This word in Greek is rendered also murium latibulum; but probably both senses are from that of hiding or shutting; Gr. to shut, to conceal.

1. A profound secret; something wholly unknown or something kept cautiously concealed, and therefore exciting curiosity or wonder; such as the mystery of the man with the iron mask in France.

2. In religion, any thing in the character or attributes of

God, or in the economy of divine providence, which is not revealed to man.

3. That which is beyond human comprehension until explained. In this sense, mystery often conveys the idea of something awfully sublime or important; something that excites wonder.

Great is the mystery of godliness. 1 Tim.3.

Having made known to us the mystery of his will. Eph.1.

We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery. 1 Cor.2.

4. An enigma; any thing artfully made difficult.

5. A kind of ancient dramatic representation.

6. A trade; a calling; any mechanical occupation which supposes skill or knowledge peculiar to those who carry it on, and therefore a secret to others.

The word in the latter sense has been supposed to have a different origin from the foregoing, viz.

The interesting thing here is this: God did conceal something from everyone and everything--even His own Son. Now, keep in mind we are not speaking of the mystery Jesus spoke of in Mark, which references Jesus' duty of dividing "His" Kingdom into believers vs. non-believers. Although, the word mystery in Mark still has the same definition or impact. Jesus was clearly hiding something. What?..Parables! Those who understood the parables would inherit the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. Coincidentally, the very thing Jesus came to earth to do was that; establish a Kingdom, cleans the earth, excise all demons, and heal all manner of sickness/disease. End State: A place free of sin (perfect) in which man worshipped Him in spirit and truth. This is the recipe for Jewish baptism/cleansing. This had to happen in order to establish the Kingdom. By the way all of this was prophesied about over and over in O.T. scripture (i'll refer you to the above definition of Mystery-- Jesus Christ was not the mystery).

Back on topic: The Mystery Paul speaks of is something totally different. Ya-Ya, how do you know that? Glad you asked. Paul says so. Read it. Over and Over Paul speaks of being given something by Jesus Christ Himself. Knowledge! Knowledge of what; a Mystery "kept secret since the world began", "in other ages was not made known unto the sons of man". There's plenty more verses, all spelled out in different ways, to different audiences and the sentences restructured again and again so maybe we would at the end of a complete canon, get the point!

The Point is this: The "Manifold Wisdom of God"--hidden in a mystery, was the perfect "flee flicker" pass at the end of a breath taking super bowl game (relax...just an analogy). Yes, God did it. He did what and how the U.S. Military calls Find, Fix, Finish the enemy. God provoked satan to the battle (read the exodus), Jesus called satan to the battle (O.T. "Where is my adversary", and God finished Him with the final blow (which is seen by us in the Resurrection of Christ) where Christ is victorious, right out of the clutches of hell when Jesus was filled with the sins of the world. So, if satan new this was going to happen (written in O.T. prophecy) why did he kill Jesus? Great question. Now, if you follow me here, you'll get it. Satan had no earthly clue (nor did anyone else at this exact moment in time) as to what was about to happen. So, what happened? Satan lost control of the earth (the Kingdom Establishment) and.... Pay attention here, The mystery: Satan lost the "Heavenly Places" of which these Principalities and Powers governed, ruled, moved freely, and executed the satanic plan of evil against the Nation of Israel (not the Gentiles!)...With the earth being now reconciled (Kingdom est.) and the heavenlies (The Creature...Rom 8) to be...not yet... given to the Body of Christ to rule. So, The Gentiles who were with out God and Lost are now offered Salvation not because of Israel but in-spite of Israel. So, now the only effect satan can have on us is to confuse the doctrine in which we learn...God's Word. Satan can't change God's word but he can confuse it by corrupt preaching in the pulpit, writing his own bible (NIV, for example), mans interpretation of God's word vs God being the interpreter of His word.

As usual I welcome your thoughts...Remember don't make it personal, I didn't write "The Book" I just read it.

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I will not block anyones comments. I welcome everyone to engage. If you must attack, just realize, I'm not the author of The Word Of Truth. I just read it and believe it. I certainly don't try to re-state or re-invent it. I try not to meddle in God's plan.