Sunday, April 25, 2010


The word dispensation is an amazing word. Not because it is used in the Word of God rather amazing because of how man has wrapped their minds around it and us it to explain "their" belief system. There was a commencement speaker at Dallas Seminary who said the "D" word is dead and he stated he never wanted to hear it spoke at that campus again. What is he afraid of? Why would he want to change God's Word. I met a preacher who used this word and put an "..ism or" behind it in order to label certain people. Having a conversation with this guy was very difficult because he ebbed and flowed through his roladex of labels to put different views into placeholders. I have never seen this attempted with such vigor before. I think labeling is a hugh distraction and causes one to loose focus and prevents people from listening. Baptist, Methodist, Dispensationalist, Calvanist....fill in the blank. Lets just simplifly (if one must label)(this is how I want you to judge me) this real quick...Christian: Belief in the work accomplished on the cross by the Son of God and that belief/reliance is your escape from the wrath of our just/fair God or Non-Christian: The opposite of the latter. So, lets stop labeling and get to work with our God's efforts in the growth of His sons who He has given the duties of joint heirs with His natural Son.

That brings me to the meat of this posting. The word dispensation is used in scripture by the Paul 4 times. So, why did the Greeks use this word and why did the old english translators (in th early 1500's) use this to give meaning to concept Paul getting at?
Answer: Paul was given something by God through Jesus Christ. That something was stewardship or the management of a concept (theology). After all is is God's plan (arrangement) not ours to make up as we go forth. Clearly, Peter knew this very well when he states where Paul is to go (to who) and were he (Pete) is to go (to who). Paul was given a Godly dispensation in which he was to give to us. This arrangement or overseer of the Will of God is because at the fullness of times, God, is looking to reside with one type of being. A being who will gather together with Him in Christ in heaven AND earth (2 distinct places)( The Jews on earth and the body of Christ in heaven). God wants us to understand that. If we understand that and study His Word with the intention of gaining knowledge, then our God is Glorified and He says to His son (us) "well done". Then we attain to His wise council. WOW!, thats what I want, My father to say "well done My son, you handled My Word and I approve".

So, the rhetorical question is this: Do we consider ourselves ministers? If so, then is our ministry according to the dispensation of God with the intent of fulfilling His Word? Do we consider ourselves employees or agent? If God has a house (He does) then do we see ourselves as administrators of that estate?

OK, fine, take the word dispensation out but don't substitute the meaning that God intends for us or the doctrinal meaning that scholars of past (Greek or English) received from Hebrew or Greek texts. People who do change the meaning of concepts in scripture spin a tangled web of theological views. The thing about theology is it has to work. If it has "wholes" in it then it doesn't work and is no longer theology. Theology is an idea that can not be proved tangibly but has to work in breath and depth. To debate ones theological views and answer the tough questions by saying "it's not for us to know" is basically saying I don't know. Well, I have news for these people, we do know. We have been given the Will of God to know. We have been given a completed canon of scriptures in which we are not waiting for new revelation or new prophecy or new visions or new information. Thats it, done, it's all there.

Please, walk away from this with these thoughts. Rely on God's Words not man's crafty speech or a really good sermon. Rely on God to edify you. Stand on His Word's and do something with it. Don't label rather judge the matters of this world and keep it real simple (Christian or Not) and make sure your theological view "works".

Scriptural Ref:
1Co 9:17
For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward: but if against my will, a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me.
Eph 1:10
That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:
Eph 3:2
If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward:
Col 1:25
Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God;

Strong's Ref:
from 3623; administration (of a household or estate); specially, a (religious) "economy":--dispensation, stewardship.

from 3624 and the base of 3551; a house-distributor (i.e. manager), or overseer, i.e. an employee in that capacity; by extension, a fiscal agent (treasurer); figuratively, a preacher (of the Gospel):--chamberlain, governor, steward.

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I will not block anyones comments. I welcome everyone to engage. If you must attack, just realize, I'm not the author of The Word Of Truth. I just read it and believe it. I certainly don't try to re-state or re-invent it. I try not to meddle in God's plan.